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We don’t just deliver products but means to solve problems.After accurately assessing the needs of the production site,we promptly develop high-value-added products that "only Fuji Chemical Industrial can deliver"

Giving shapes to things that do not yet exist

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Your needs are what drives us

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Our greatest strength is our ability to quickly develop new products and customize them in consideration of different needs and evolving technologies.We create products that completely meet the required functions by combining sales and research & development in order to best incorporate suggestions from the production floor. We specialize in requests in line with the times, like "I want products that meet environmental regulations" or "I want to expand globally." We tackle any request and issue in earnest, sharing our clients’ concerns and expanding on their ideas.

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Always going further thanks to all technologies

Giving shape to ideas based on technology and data

Fuji Chemical Industrial’s philosophy is "Solving problems together with clients by actively exchanging opinions with them." We "co-create" the ideal products by making full use of data collected by experienced and knowledgeable engineers as well as the evaluation and verification processes conducted at F-Lab. Additionally, we’ve achieved reliable quality and uniquely precise processing in the manufacturing process by joining hands with partner companies with superior technological capabilities. We aim to develop products that exceed client expectations by leveraging advanced technology and the kind of communication that allows hidden needs to emerge.

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Responding by putting clients first

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Moving promptly and fluidly to meet any situation

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Our business department, which is the contact point with our clients, is the key to providing smooth client service. We offer accurate services based on a thorough understanding of the overall picture, from ordering to delivery and after-sales assistance. We respond in detail to requests like"I need urgent and additional services" and "I need help with some troubles" by closely cooperating with our sales and product engineering departments. Moreover, we can count on an outstanding overseas distribution network and cooperation system, from Europe to the United States, China and Southeast Asia. We aim to provide highly satisfying solutions by "earnestly" standing by our clients.

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Extensive overseas network, especially in China and Southeast Asia


UV Conformal Coating

Insulating Moistureproof Coating

Magazine Stick

Water Based Insulating Moisturproof Coating

Joint Tape

Thermosetting Epoxy Adhesives